We have a variety of products that can help make your nursing, pumping, or feeding journey easier!
Maymom flanges in most sizes 10mm-30mm - compatible with most pumps
Pump / flange inserts for Willow, Elvie, and wearable pumps
Medela Symphony Pump Rentals
Medela Babyweigh Pediatric Scale Rentals
Happy Ducts Tincture
Replacement parts for Spectra
Duckbill Valves
At Breast Supplementation Supplies
Legendairy Suppplements
Motherlove Supplements
Wishgarden herbs
Breast Health and Klaire Labs Probiotics
Nipple shields
Nipple everters
Luna Lactation Comfort Kits
Ameda Comfort Gel Pads
Why See A Lactation Consultant? (IBCLC)
Prenatal consultation to receive information and discuss concerns about breastfeeding
No breast changes during pregnancy or after birth
Sore nipples or pain during breastfeeding
Sleepy baby, or baby that won’t latch onto the breast
Baby weight gain issues
Previous breast surgery or trauma
Breastfeeding multiples
Special needs baby
Adoptive breastfeeding
Infants with a tongue tie
Infants with cleft palate/lip
Low milk production
Over active let down/oversupply
Mastitis/blocked ducts
Use of breastfeeding aids (nipple shields, etc)
Returning to work or school
LGBTQ resources for breastfeeding
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Your baby is not:
Lazy ❤ a "good" baby ❤ a "bad" baby ❤ needy ❤ greedy ❤ difficult ❤ angry ❤ a"dud" ❤ bossy ❤ a piranha ❤ a crybaby ❤ rude ❤ spoiled
Babies don't know they're not part of their parent's body until they are 3 months old. They need to be held a lot so they feel safe.
They need to eat
8-12x/day and sometimes more!
Some babies have had a rough start b/c of their position in the womb. They need to stretch out and move more, so they can feel better in their skin.
Some babies really have feeding challenges that make eating difficult.
We are in favor of helping babies get their needs met.
We're here to help.
Was your birth traumatic?
Now offering Birth Story Healing Sessions
Are you struggling to come to terms with your birth story?
You are not alone. Many postpartum people find that their birth experience can be a difficult and even traumatic event. When this happens it can have a lasting impact on their physical and emotional well being.
If you are one of these people, you may be looking for a way to process your experience and move on.
The method I use**, Inner Relationship Focusing, is a gentle and effective way to process your birth story. It is a process that helps you to connect with your body and your emotions, and to find a sense of peace and closure.
You will be invited to share your memories, feelings, and sensations. As you do, I will help you to identify and release the stored emotions and hurts.
Birth Story Healing can help you to:
Reduce anxiety and stress
Improve sleep
Increase energy
Reclaim your body
Regain a sense of control
Build trust in your body
Move on with your life
**This modality and your time with me is not to be seen as a replacement for therapy when it is needed. However, my services can be a supportive adjunct and complementary to the work you may already be doing with your therapist.
All sessions are offered virtually.